Treatment of stroke.

Treatment of stroke with pine cones.

Treatment of stroke.

Stroke is a disorder of the cerebral circulation, which leads to serious consequences. Treatment of stroke. There are a number of factors that influence the occurrence of this pathology. If you notice symptoms of a stroke, you must immediately call an ambulance.

The condition of the patient depends on the timeliness of rendering the necessary assistance, carrying out rehabilitation measures. Neurological functions are restored within a week or a month. To alleviate the condition of the patient, often use pine cones from a stroke.

Vascular treatment. The use of pine cones.

To quickly restore the body after a stroke, you must use only young cones. Shoots of green and red are also suitable. Various tinctures are made, similar to the effect on the body of many pharmacy products. In the cone structure there is gum, which allows eliminating pathologies of the digestive tract, bone system, respiration.

Useful qualities:

The composition contains phytoncides that prevent the growth and multiplication of bacteria, as well as normalizing the immune response of the organism.
Tannins, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, allow you to recover faster after a stroke.
Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, restores the structure of the vascular walls, has a positive effect on the nervous system.
Vitamin B allows to restore nerve fibers, tissues, takes an active part in the synthesis of proteins.
Vitamin K is needed to restore blood coagulability, as it takes part in the synthesis of bone tissue.
Vitamin P is necessary to preserve the structure of capillaries, restore the activity of the cardiovascular system, eliminate edema.

How to cook tincture?

From pine cones do not only settings, but also various broths, jam, in some cases, make wine. To achieve a positive effect, it is desirable to take the tincture for at least six months. To make a tincture of pine cones that will help with a stroke, you can use one of the common recipes.

Vodka tincture.

Take a few medium-sized cones, fill it with vodka. Place the solution in a convenient container that can be tightly closed with a lid. Move the dishes to the place with the least amount of light. Insist means will have to be maintained for 5 days while maintaining room temperature. Take infusion enough 2 times a day for a teaspoon. Do not forget that to achieve the optimal effect it will take at least six months.

Tincture with the addition of apple cider vinegar.

Used in rehabilitation after a stroke, not only to restore brain cells, but also to prevent the risk of recurrence. When taking the tincture, the blood liquefies, which has a positive effect on the vessels, reduces the likelihood of premature death of nerve cells, normalizes the function of speech, completely restores coordination.

When vinegar is added, alcohol is partially neutralized, the rest evaporates when the drug is heated. As a result of these reactions in the drink, there are only useful components, which allow obtaining the maximum positive effect of the drug.

To prepare the tincture, prepare 250 ml of alcohol. It adds 5 small cones. Insist this drug will take about 10 days, keeping the room temperature. Do not forget to strain it, then put a teaspoon of vinegar into the tincture. Take the medicine for 6 months, adding to the tea. You can vary the taste of honey.

The result of therapy depends on the timeliness of the provision of quality medical care, as well as on other important rehabilitation measures. It is necessary to timely eliminate symptoms of cerebral circulation disorders, important functions.

Wine from cones.

Wine made with pine cones allows for maximum recovery after a stroke, gradually lowering pressure, preventing its jumps. This drug is intended for people who have chronic heart problems. To prepare a quality wine, you need to pick up young shoots, collecting them in the middle of summer. Cones must first be crushed, then pour into a three-liter jar. This capacity is filled only by 50%. Add 300 g of sugar to the mixture, pour the water to the top.

Close the container tightly, cover it with a cloth, move it to a dark place, leave it for 10 days. When you see signs of fermentation, you can strain the tincture into another jar, using a small sieve. After that, install a water seal. The fruits that have remained can be filled with water again, moved to a dark place. There they will wander again.

After 7 days, both tinctures must be mixed thoroughly. After that, there is an opportunity to start using.  1 hour before the end of the day.

Drink several times a day. It is advisable to take the remedy after eating.


Treatment of stroke.

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