Treatment of the pancreas.

Treatment of the pancreas.


That which no doctor will tell!

The pancreas is one of the important internal organs of the human body. He is responsible for our digestion. Failure in the operation of the pancreas is fraught with complications. Also a variety of diseases, such as pancreatitis or diabetes.

Fortunately, there are wonderful folk remedies. They help to treat this organ no worse than drugs. If you have problems with this important organ — our article is for you!

Treatment of the pancreas.

Recipe № 1. Seeds of dill.

Measure 1 teaspoon of dill seeds. Pour 1 cup of boiling water. An hour later the infusion can be considered ready. Use it inside, after straining. The entire volume should be consumed throughout the day. Drink a little.

Treatment of the pancreas.

Recipe № 2. Oats.
Oatmeal since ancient times is considered one of the best dishes for the pancreas.
The most useful is the usual oatmeal (not instant cooking!) On the water, without the addition of oil and salt. Eat it several times a day for a week.

If such a dish quickly becomes boring, replace the porridge with infusion of oats. Oatmeal 500 grams of zaley 1 liter of boiling water. Insist for an hour. Strain and drink half the glass 3 times a day.

Treatment of the pancreas.

Prescription number 3. Lemon + parsley + garlic.

Take 1 kilogram of lemons, 300 grams of garlic and 300 grams of parsley. Let the lemons free of the stones, but leave the peel. Twist all the ingredients with a meat grinder and mix. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator, preferably in a glass jar. Take 1 teaspoonful three times a day for 15 minutes before eating.

To enhance the effect of this folk remedy, drink it with a special infusion of leaves of strawberries, blueberries, cowberries.

The infusion is prepared as follows. Take the leaves of the listed plants, as well as corn stigmas and bean pods. Measure all in equal parts and, having put in a thermos, pour boiling water. Leave to steam for a few hours.

To drink it is necessary so. 1 teaspoon of the above mixture, drink 1/3 cup infusion. This is a fairly effective way to be treated for three months.

Treatment of the pancreas.

Recipe number 4. Buckwheat + kefir.

The next remedy should be prepared in the evening. Take 0.5 liters of yogurt and 1 cup of buckwheat. Croup thoroughly washed. Fill it with kefir, then leave it to insist.

After 12 hours, divide the mixture into two equal parts. You eat one part as a breakfast, and the second as a dinner.

It will be useful to do without other meals for at least 2-3 days.

Later, for lunch, you can eat steamed vegetables. For example, cook a vegetable stew for a couple. Sometimes you can afford something of fruit. After 10 days of this diet, take a break, too, for 10 days and again repeat the course of treatment.

People who have applied one of the above methods on their own note that improvements come in a few days. The pain ceases, there is lightness in the body, bloating.

However, folk remedies, worked out for centuries, are not limited to drugs and medicines. Not bad recommended specially designed breathing exercises. They are very useful, for example, in pancreatitis.

Treatment of the pancreas.


1. Collect a lot of air in the chest. Then exhale it all and hold your breath.

2. At the moment of holding your breath, tighten your stomach slightly. Count slowly to three, and then relax the tension of the abdominal muscles.

If you perform this exercise 10 times a day, it will help strengthen the pancreas and get rid of some ailments.


Treatment of the pancreas.

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