Weathered lips.

Weathered lips.

This trouble happens to almost everyone. This is when in cold, windy weather the lips begin to peel, itch and become covered with small cracks. And worse, bleed. Women, of course, do prevent the airing of the lips easier. Because they are used to using hygiene lipstick. But it’s also useful for men to know how to cope with this.

Very good therapeutic effect on the weather-beaten lips are the oils of medicinal plants. Sea-buckthorn, zveroboynoe, dog rose — they are applied to the skin several times a day. Easy to rub.

When airing and flaking your lips, you can also use for lubricating oil solutions of vitamins A and E. These vitamins not only promote healing. But also prevent the appearance of wrinkles, stretch marks and dry skin.

To quickly bring weather-beaten lips to a healthy state, use a mixture. It is made of natural honey (50 g), glycerin (20 g), propolis tincture (10 ml) and sea buckthorn oil (15 ml). Lubricate the mixture of the lips 2-3 times a day.

When caring for the lips, which are strongly flaky, a good effect gives a lip massage a conventional toothbrush, using honey and butter.

Away nasty conversations. Weathered lips.

Another misfortune, which happens to everyone at least once in a lifetime. It’s a bitch. Painful cracks and pustules in the corners of the mouth. When it hurts to open your mouth and talk, drink and eat, paint your lips.

Seizures can occur at any age, in children and adults. Most often these sores appear in the spring. When there is a shortage of vitamins and weakening the defenses of the body. In addition, it is believed that the seizures are of bacterial origin. Can be transmitted with close contact, through kisses, lipstick, dishes, handkerchiefs, etc.

It contributes to the appearance of cracks in the corners of the mouth deficiency of B vitamins. Also an incorrect bite, annoying toothpaste, allergy, smoking, as well as disruptions in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Away nasty conversations.

To get rid of zaed, first of all pay attention to the diet. Try to fill it with fresh fruits and vegetables, fermented milk products, low-fat meat, liver, seafood. Well compensate for the deficiency of B vitamins brewer’s yeast. If necessary, you can drink a course of pharmacy multivitamins. If in the scrapes found pathogenic fungi. Antifungal drugs are prescribed (nystatin, levorin).

For external use, plants that are destructive to streptococci, staphylococci and fungi are recommended. And also have anti-inflammatory and healing effect. Affected the areas are rubbed with garlic juice. Lubricate fresh juice celandine, viburnum, plantain, ready tincture of calendula and propolis.

To accelerate the healing of cracks in the corners of the mouth. They are smeared with essential oil of tea tree 2-3 times a day. Oil well relieves inflammation. Possesses antifungal action. It can be alternated with essential oil of lavender, eucalyptus. And also sea buckthorn oil, an oil solution of vitamins A and E.

Promotes rapid healing of lips with strong infusions of medicinal sage, flowers of calendula and chamomile, herbs of thyme. You can also lubricate the cracks several times a day with fresh juice from a houseplant of Kalanchoe.


Weathered lips.

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