Wrinkle mask instead of Botox.

Wrinkle mask instead of Botox.

The amazing effect of starch is tantamount to an expensive facelift with Botox. So why spend money if you can smooth out wrinkles at home using this natural ingredient?
A couple of tablespoons of starch is diluted with cool boiled water to the consistency of sour cream and 10 drops of vitamin E are added. Apply the mask to the face along the massage lines, especially carefully around the eye area. Do not apply to the upper eyelid. The action of starch should last at least 15 minutes and then the mask is washed off. Do this procedure at least 2 times a week and you will not be afraid of your age.

Mask with gelatin.

The main element of the natural extract from the lubrication of joints in animals is collagen, which is responsible for the strength and elasticity of the skin structure, as well as the stimulation of the regeneration of its cells. A wrinkle mask with gelatin fills the internal subcutaneous layers with this type of protein, which is responsible for the smooth surface of the epidermis. Thanks to these properties, the skin becomes elastic and smoothed.

1 sachet of gelatin (25 gr.);
5 tbsp. l glasses of milk;
10 drops of vitamin A and E;
1 yolk;
1 tsp vegetable oil.
While stirring with a spoon in warm milk, gradually pour a bag of gelatin. The mixture should become a homogeneous consistency, without dry lumps. Leave it to ripen the gelatin mass for 20-30 minutes, then add the remaining components. Everything should connect well. If you need to warm up to a warm state, then it is better to do this with a water bath.
Then apply a warm composition to the face and hold for at least 25 minutes, then rinse your face with clean, cool water. Apply at least 10 times with an interval of 3 days.

Mask with starch.

Long-standing facial masks for wrinkles made at home from potato starch have been very popular with women. They perfectly tighten the skin, making it smooth and velvety. Starch is recommended for those with oily skin and enlarged pores on the face.

Ingredients all 1 teaspoon:
with a slide of starch;
fresh cucumber or aloe juice;
kefir or sour cream.
The mask perfectly nourishes the subcutaneous layers and activates the regeneration of cells, while starch tightens and rejuvenates the skin. After applying the composition to the face, wait 15–20 minutes, then rinse off with cool boiled or purified water.

Mask with honey.

Micronutrients are best suited for penetration through the pores of the skin precisely in the composition of honey. Proper nutrition of subcutaneous cells is an important factor in maintaining proper metabolism and building the collagen base of the epidermis. This is the main task of applying a mask against wrinkles with honey. Bee nectar supplies new “bricks” inside for elasticity of the upper layer of the epidermis.
1 tbsp. l fermented baked milk and honey;
1 yolk.
Mix and apply on cleansed face for 20 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Mask with glycerin.

The use of this composition will nourish the cells with useful substances and retain moisture in them. Wrinkle mask with glycerin is suitable for any type of skin.

The composition of the recipe is very simple:
You need to mix the egg yolk with 1 teaspoon of glycerin, previously purchased at the pharmacy. Keep it on your face for at least 15 minutes and rinse with clean water. Women under 35 can do this procedure once a week, and those who are older — more often.

Mask with dimexide.

The face will shine with youth and beauty after applying a mask with demixid. It improves the penetration into the skin of nutrients. Especially effective is the combination of dimexide with solcoseryl. The ability to smooth scars, heal wounds and cause cell regeneration, combined with the low cost of drugs, made these two drugs very popular among women trying to fight the appearance of facial wrinkles.

Attention! These medications must pass a test on your inner elbow bend to rule out an allergic reaction. To do this, apply diluted dimexide with boiled water (1:10) on a small area of ​​the skin and then apply solcoseryl gel on top. If after a day negative manifestations did not occur at the place of application of the drugs, then the composition of them can be applied to the face.

For cooking, you need to perform in stages:
1. Take 1 tsp. Dimexidum combined with 10 tsp. non-hot boiled water;
2. Dampened with a swab in the solution, apply the composition to the face, bypassing the area around the eyes and lips and do not forget about the neckline and neck;
3. Without letting the diluted demexide dry, immediately apply a thick layer of solcoseryl gel;
4. It is necessary to withstand the action of drugs for 40-60 minutes and rinse until the composition is completely removed with a sufficient amount of cool water.
When the gel dries on the face, moisten with water so that a dense crust does not form. Beauticians recommend not to get carried away with the frequent use of these drugs, so the frequency of their use is not more than 1 time per month.

Wrinkle mask instead of Botox.

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