Метка: psoriasis

Inflammatory processes of the skin.

Inflammatory processes of the skin.

Inflammatory processes of the skin. Psoriasis treatment. HERBS COMPRESS Compresses based on herbal infusions actively suppress acute inflammatory processes of the skin. Their advantage over other psoriasis remedies is that they can affect the lesion of the body for a long time. To reduce irritation and maximize the state of remission in small areas of […]

Best treatment for psoriasis.

Best treatment for psoriasis.

Treatment of psoriasis. Best treatment for psoriasis. I, as they say, with the nails hurt psoriasis. And than it was treated — nothing helped. But my life changed one summer trip to the resort. There were hot salty lakes. The water temperature in them is 30-35 degrees. I went there all covered with sores. I […]

Best hair care products.

Best hair care products.

Black elderberry for white skin. Best hair care products. Medical plants and their uses. Sambucus nigra — a large shrub or small tree of the family honeysuckle with ash-gray bark, the height of 2-6 m The flowers are small, yellowish-white, fragrant, are collected in large apical inflorescence.. It grows in the southern regions of European […]

Care of the wound.

Care of the wound.

African doctor. Care of the wound. Care of the wound. About the therapeutic effect of aloe can talk a lot. So, from the leaves an extract is used, which is used for ocular, some gastrointestinal and other diseases. The juice of fresh leaves is used in the treatment of purulent wounds, burns, inflammatory skin diseases. […]

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