Cyst in the head.

Cyst in the head: what to do?

Recently I had a patient with a cyst of a head, and after spent phytotherapeutic treatment of the cyst in her resorbed. Her treatment was the following is assigned. Cyst in the head.

Firstly, she took an infusion of a hemlock from the morning of an hour before meals according to V. Tishchenko’s scheme 1-40-1, that is, a «hill»: first upwards — from 1 drop of tincture to 40, increasing the dose of taking 1 drop every day, And then down, reducing the daily dose by 1 drop.
(The intake of the tincture should be dripped into a glass of water.) Thus, one course of treatment with a hemlock tincture lasts 79 days.
After a one-week break, the treatment can be repeated.

Secondly, the patient dripped the oil of the hemlock into the nose: 2 drops in each nostril 3 times a day.
To make oil hemlock 50 grams of ground hemlock blighted grass (or even better to take a mixture of grass and plant seeds or only seeds) is placed in a glass jar and poured with 500 ml of olive oil, insist 21 days in a dark place at room temperature, stirring occasionally.
After 3 weeks, the oil of the hemlock is ready — it must be filtered through several layers of gauze in another bowl.
Store the hemlock oil at room temperature — it does not deteriorate.

Thirdly, the patient drank an infusion of a pickaxe rather than tea without tea special rule.

And, finally, I gave her some recommendations on the healing power for her, so that, as Hippocrates said, food became a medicine.

With a cyst, a pumpkin is very useful in the head, as well as a number of spices that improve digestion and disperse blood.
It is important that there is no stagnation of fluid in the body: cysts are a kind of stagnation. Perfectly disperses blood pepper (especially red), Indian turmeric seasoning and garlic.


Cyst in the head.

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