Метка: best acne treatment

Purifying peeling and acne masks

Purifying peeling and acne masks

Purifying peeling and acne masks Purifying peeling and acne masks. One of the most effective homemade masks that can deeply cleanse the skin, polish it, make it smoother and remove dead cells is aspirin peeling. For cooking, you need only 3 ingredients: • aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) — 1 tablet • warm water — 0.5 tsp. […]

Cinnamon will help to heal cancer.

Cinnamon will help to heal cancer.

Cinnamon will help to heal cancer. Lung cancer treatment. Australian scientists conducted scientific research on the antitumor effect of cinnamon and concluded. Cinnamon is a wonderful antitumour agent. Even at the advanced stages of oncological diseases cinnamon can render the essential help. How to take cinnamon for tumors? In a glass of hot water, add […]



Furuncles, how to get rid of them. Boils. Hemlock relieve inflammation, will analgesic effect, dry pus. Boils. However, I would advise to use leaf mother and stepmother, because he will pull the pus and heal the wound. The action leaves mother and stepmother in their ability to draw out the pus is similar to the […]

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