Best skin care products.

Weekend recipe. 

Best skin care products.

Once a week on a day off, I pour into an enamel saucepan about 0.5 liters of hot boiled water. Further I put there a tablespoon of salt. Stir until completely dissolved.
Then a terry towel is moistened in this saline solution. I squeeze and apply to a pre-cleaned face (then one face area, then another). Then on the neck and even on the hands — and so for about 20 minutes.
Hot water ensures the flow of blood to the skin. Salt increases its elasticity. Then the face should be rinsed with cool water. Then it is desirable to put some mask from natural products.

Best skin care products.

Look after your skin daily, not occasionally. In the evening, it is desirable to apply a nourishing cream to your clean skin according to the type of your skin. This also contributes to the improvement of its turgor (density, elasticity, moisture).

Combine the power of herbs and massage.

Best skin care products.

It is useful for facial skin massage. Especially it is relevant for tightening the fading skin.
I myself do the massage. Pre-lubricating the skin with dermatological oil, which can be prepared at home.
For this, on olive oil, I insist on certain medicinal plants or even collections (any of the above can be used).
It is even better to take a collection of herbs that improve the function of the skin.

Best skin care products.

For example, most often I take in equal quantities budu, rose petals, field horsetail, burdock, calendula, walnut leaf.
Then 1-2 tbsp. Spoons of this collection pour a glass of olive oil.
I cook an hour in a water bath. Next, I insist for 24 hours and filter.
This oil I use for skin cleansing and for facial massage. After work I do not wash with soap. I rub my face with a tampon soaked in dermatological oil. Then rinse the skin with water.

Best skin care products.

I put dermatological oil on a clean skin with a cotton swab.
Then I cut a small apple. I clean it from the peel. I make circular movements from bottom to top with an apple cut. As a result of this massage, there is an intense flow of blood to the skin of the face. Due to which, more nutrients enter it and its youth persists longer.

This massage I recommend doing 2 times a week — and you will soon see a good result from these procedures.
Particular attention when doing massage, give those places where there are wrinkles. They often appear around the eyes («crow’s feet»), on the neck, and also on the hands.

Again, sprouts will help.

I recommend for tightening the skin a very effective lotion from
germinated wheat.
First you need to germinate wheat. To do this, take 1-2 tbsp. spoons of wheat. Fill with water and cover with gauze. In a day there will already be shoots.
Wash wheat with sprouts in the water. Air dry.
After that, grind the dry wheat in a coffee grinder. Pour a glass of white wine.
You will get a white solution, like milk, which rub your face.
This milk is rich in essential skin with vitamin E, as well as other vitamins and nutrients.


Best skin care products.

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