Рубрика: Gastrointestinal disease

Mushroom tea: Recipes with a tea mushroom.

Recipes with a tea mushroom. Mushroom tea: Recipes with a tea mushroom. Effective recipes with a tea mushroom, which have been repeatedly checked by me personally and by many of my friends. • Tea mushroom infusion — has strong bactericidal properties. It is well used as a highly effective drug against intestinal infection. • The […]

cholesterol medication

Lipa from cholesterol. cholesterol medication. If the question arose, how to reduce cholesterol with the help of herbs, then one of the first plants should use lime, or rather, lime color. It helps to cope with stress, normalizes the level of hormones, removes toxins and harmful substances from the body. Phytosterols contained in linden flowers […]

Peroxide medical.

Heart disease, the pressure. Peroxide medical. It is well known that hydrogen peroxide is usually treated wounds to prevent infection. But surely many readers will interesting to learn about other therapeutic properties of this amazing solution … Peroxide medical. For example, when receiving peroxide inside and applying of wipes moistened with the same peroxide to disappear […]

Inflammation of the pancreas.

Inflammation of the pancreas.

Pancreatitis treatment. Inflammation of the pancreas. Inflammation of the pancreas, or pancreatitis, my husband caused some craving for alcohol. I can not say that he was a complete drunkard. Mostly on holidays, but in any case, not without reason. The trouble was that as it starts to drink, it can not stop. So I got […]

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