The most effective home masks!

The most effective home masks!

So, 3 super-efficient masks are presented below.

Fragrant mask «Mega Growth»

For such a magical procedure, you will need to acquire simple components, namely:

2 large (tablespoons) ground coffee (can be used after brewing)
3 drops of tea tree oil (thanks to it the scalp will say “thank you”)
4 drops of ylang-ylang oil (aroma and shine of your hair)
50 ml of chamomile infusion (brew flowers and strain)

To prepare this super-reducing agent and hair growth accelerator is very simple. Brewed camomile and oils are added to the coffee. The resulting mass must be distributed on the roots of the hair. The head must first be washed. In order for the effect to be cooler, you need to put a shower cap on your head (you can have a plastic bag) and wind it with a towel on top.

Walk in this way should be at least 40 minutes. It is permissible to leave the mixture on the hair for the night, then the effect will be generally super awesome! When finished, all ingredients are thoroughly washed off the hair. You should resort to use several times a month (about 3-4 times).

Fiery effect: mustard mask for enhanced hair growth

This is a measure of extreme mask to enhance hair growth, can work wonders. And what is most pleasant is the presence of all the ingredients in the arsenal of every housewife! To prepare, you need to take:

1 pack of dry mustard (this is about 40 grams)
A glass of boiling water (50 ml)
Fresh Chicken Yolk
15 grams of granulated sugar

A hair mask should be used with caution for those whose hair is very dry and broken. If you still decide to apply it, then no more than 1 time in 14 days. The exposure time here is individual, who can withstand how much. After all, the mixture that you put on your hair will literally warm your scalp. It would be wise to not endure if you feel severe discomfort. After rinsing, be sure to use a moisturizing balm.

Oil and honey — a beautiful look will return to your hair!

This mask contains two main components: it is honey and burdock oil. Thanks to them, splendor, luster and good growth are provided! And to complement this magnificent picture will be a fresh chicken yolk. Take the ingredients in the following proportions:

Honey (liquid) 20 grams
Burdock oil — 30 grams
Yolk — 1 pc.

Having thoroughly mixed the three components, it is necessary to spread the mixture on the roots of wet (pre-washed) hair. While you are spreading, you need to conduct a light head massage. Then distribute the mixture along the entire length of the hair and cover it with a shower cap or a head bag. The “work” mask for enhancing hair growth will be within two hours. It will be necessary to rinse thoroughly, because honey and oil are very “sticky” components.

To achieve a great effect, you should take a course of using this mask (12 procedures) for 1-2 months.

The most effective home masks!

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