Detox Diet Time.

Detox Diet Time.

Cleansing by the rules.

Any good dietary program for cleansing the body must include the following elements:

— Consist of pure, whole and natural foods that have not been refined, refined, cleaned, processed, and so on.

— Contain plenty of plant foods, including vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts, herbs.

— Plenty of drinking, including boiled, melted or table mineral water, different kinds of teas with low caffeine content, herbal infusions, freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices are mandatory.

— During the diet, it is recommended to avoid alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, medicines (except for vital), artificial vitamins and food additives.

— In most cases, the amount of salt, spices and food of animal origin is limited, a little fish or natural yogurt is allowed.

— Regular intake of food and fluids is important.

— If possible, during the cleansing diet you should avoid stress, and ensure yourself a good night’s sleep.

— Regular exercise is recommended to stimulate the excretory organs.

The duration of the cleansing diet varies from a few days to a month. However, you must remember that it is impossible to get rid of all toxins for a couple of days, because harmful substances can accumulate in different tissues, including fat.

Not bad results can be achieved in a week, even better — once a full month detoxification course, and then regularly carry out small cleansing courses (3-4 days every few months).

Who needs a detox diet?

There are many different diet programs for detoxification and cleansing of the body. The main purpose of such diets is to cleanse the body of all pollutants such as toxins, poisons, heavy metals, artificial additives, hormones, pesticides and herbicides.

A detox diet is necessary for anyone who overeats, consumes high-calorie, highly processed or contaminated foods, or breaks a diet.

People who have the following symptoms especially need a detox diet:

— Skin rashes;
— High fatigue and irritability;
— headaches;
— circles around the eyes;
— dull eyes;
— problems with bowel emptying.

Detox diet menu

— First breakfast: fruit or berries, bio-yogurt, herbal tea.

— Second breakfast: nuts or seeds.

— Lunch: soup, stew or salad of various vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, onions, garlic, cabbage, carrots, lettuce, greens, pumpkins and others).

Olive oil and balsamic vinegar are used for dressing. As an addition, you can eat a small portion of cooked or fried fish, yogurt or seeds.

— Afternoon snack: fruit, herbal or green tea.

— Dinner: the same as lunch (a vegetable dish, supplemented with a small portion of natural protein food)

Herbs to help.

In addition to the detox diet, you can prepare infusions or add the following plants to tea: calendula, peppermint, nettle, dandelion, angelica, licorice root, burdock.

Pour boiling water over the selected herbs at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon chopped herbs per glass of water, and allow to infuse for 10-15 minutes, then strain.

Detox Diet Time.

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