Shortness of breath treatment.

If shortness of breath is excruciating. Shortness of breath treatment. Shortness of breath and shortness of breath can be associated with lung and bronchial diseases or heart disease — one of the symptoms of heart failure is shortness of breath. Shortness of breath treatment. Since the root cause of your dyspnea is unknown to me, then […]

How to improve health.

Recipes of the «green pharmacy» Health tips. How to improve health. How to improve health. It is more difficult to be, of course, with accumulated or hereditary sores. But if on this occasion only upset and do nothing, then forget about your long years. It is possible to try to reduce the degree of impact of […]

Healthy heart.

Heart and diabetes are treated comprehensively. Healthy heart. For the complex treatment of hypertension, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, medicinal plants should also be used. Healthy heart. As a rule, in these cases apply: motherwort, cemetery, periwinkle, hawthorn, mint, sporich, mistletoe, cudweed. Apply in the form of infusions, broths, tinctures. Also in the form of […]

cholesterol medication

Lipa from cholesterol. cholesterol medication. If the question arose, how to reduce cholesterol with the help of herbs, then one of the first plants should use lime, or rather, lime color. It helps to cope with stress, normalizes the level of hormones, removes toxins and harmful substances from the body. Phytosterols contained in linden flowers […]

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