Tinctures for angina.

Tinctures for angina.

In addition to applying compresses and drinking medicinal drinks, the treatment of angina with folk remedies involves the use of alcohol tinctures. They are taken orally until relief comes.

1. Several aloe leaves are washed under running water, dried and ground to a porridge. Place in a glass container, add half a cup of granulated sugar and leave for three days in a place protected from sunlight. It is advisable to cover the container with a napkin. After the indicated time, 0.25 L of vodka is introduced. After three days, spin is performed. Treatment is continued until the disappearance of pain and inflammation in the throat. A single dose of tincture — 1 tsp. Repeat three times.

2. Tincture of fragrant violet helps to get rid of tonsillitis once and for all. Twenty-five grams of dried flowers are added to 100 ml of medical alcohol. After ten days, the raw materials are squeezed out. The liquid is poured into a glass container. Consume twenty milliliters three times on an empty stomach. The tool can be used for rinsing. Take 10 ml of tincture on a cup of water.
The product often causes a persistent allergic reaction, manifested by a rash on the skin.

Tinctures for angina.

3. Thirty grams of St. John’s wort dry pour 100 ml of alcohol or a glass of vodka. Withstand the day. Drink fifty drops, repeating three times on a full stomach. Folk remedy can also be used for rinsing: forty drops are dissolved in a cup of water.
Hypertensive patients should refrain from treatment through hypericum, since the plant leads to an increase in blood pressure.

4. To one kilogram of pine cones add a liter of vodka. Thirty days insist in a place remote from moisture and sunlight. Shake the tincture container periodically. Use the composition three times a day for a large spoon on an empty stomach. At home, cure sore throat with tincture can be quickly.


Regular gargling with home-prepared formulations is the fastest way to recovery. Children should perform the procedure up to four times a day, adults — every two to three hours.

Rinsing is a mechanical process that traumatizes an already damaged mucosa. The procedure should not be too frequent — it must be correct!

1. A glass of apple cider vinegar is poured into a glass of boiled water at room temperature. One part of the composition is used to rinse, the second — for ingestion. In order to enhance the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to add a few drops of iodine to the product. According to proponents of alternative treatment, relief comes the next day.
The composition is capable of causing harm to the inflamed mucosa.

2. Such a recipe will help soothe the inflamed glands: a pulp is prepared from one beet, which is then steamed with boiling water in a ratio of one to one. Insist six hours. After spinning, treatment begins. Through such a composition, even purulent tonsillitis can be cured.

3. If tonsillitis is observed, accompanied by severe inflammation of the tonsils, rinse with the following composition: a glass of boiled water with a temperature of forty degrees, a glass of honey and a spoonful of apple cider vinegar. The solution is also effective when taken orally.

4. To a glass of warm water add three large spoons of buckwheat or linden honey. Gargle up to five times a day. Ready to store the composition is undesirable.

5. For tonsillitis in adults, rinsing with soda solution is recommended. The procedure helps to quickly wash pathogens, preventing their further reproduction. This eliminates any type of sore throat, including follicular.
Soda solution should not be strong. Half a dessert spoon in a glass of water will be enough.

6. A glass of fresh moisture is injected with a glass of freshly squeezed aloe juice or Kalanchoe. The finished composition is gargled during pregnancy. An effective folk remedy allows you to overcome the symptoms of purulent tonsillitis.

Tinctures for angina.

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