Рубрика: Gastrointestinal disease

Phytotherapy in gastric cancer.

Phytotherapy in gastric cancer

Phytotherapy in gastric cancer. In general weakness should take plant adaptogens, with the best of them in gastric cancer is the Manchurian Aralia, because it except tonic, has antitumor effect directly on the stomach. It is also useful to take salep (orchids korneklubni or Kukushkin slezok), has a bracing effect and containing a large mucus, […]

Herbal remedies.

Herbal remedies.

Orchis — forest orchid. Herbal remedies. Medical plants and their uses. Orchids stand out among other grasses with its magnificence — they belong to the family of orchid, whose members are known for their beauty. Herbal remedies. The flowers are orchids, collected in apical inflorescence in the form of spikelets may be purple, white or […]

Proper water.

Proper water

Can you lose weight by drinking water. Proper water. When this summer I saw a doctor from Chicago Naturotherapeutists Dunaevskaya Lydia, a guest in our city, always carries with him a small plastic bottle of clean water and from time to time makes 1-2 small sip, I asked her to tell me how much, when […]

Treatment of heartburn.

Treatment of heartburn.

Recipes for the treatment of heartburn. Treatment of heartburn. Continued from the article HERE Now consider the simple folk remedies to treat heartburn. Recipes have very different, but pay attention primarily on the most effective ones. Treatment of heartburn. Kalinovoye jam. Do not rush to take pills, and drugs for heartburn. As practice shows, heartburn treatment […]

Treatment colitis.

Treatment colitis.

On the medicinal properties of acorns. Treatment colitis. Acorns have a good astringent property in the same way as the bark of oak. Treatment colitis. In addition, acorns have antiviral, antibacterial and antioxidant effects. The use of oak acorns is indicated in colitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, nervous diseases, and also they are used […]

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