Frozen lemon.

Frozen lemon.

Frozen lemon. Frozen lemon. A unique remedy for many troubles. Many, probably, know that in a peel of a lemon of vitamins is ten times more, than in juice and pulp. Lemon zest is widely used in everyday life, and for the treatment of many diseases. Recent research scientists prove that in the prevention of […]

Osteoarthritis treatment.

Osteoarthritis treatment.

Osteoarthritis treatment. Osteoarthritis treatment. Juniper will heal the joints. Not so long ago, my mother had problems with joints. Osteoarthritis treatment. We decided she did not have to say anything, do not disturb. But I noticed myself that her knees on her legs had changed in some strange way. Earlier they were like mine — […]



Psychosomatics. Psychosomatics. Tell me what hurts you, and I’ll tell you where you have problems in life. Do you know what will happen if you cross medicine and psychology? An amazing thing will turn out, I tell you! Psychosomatics. This is a direction in medicine that deals with the influence of our emotions, fears and […]

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